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IDM 2019: Youth and Migration (Side Event)

Photo: Rahma Gamil Soliman/IOM 2019

Side event to the International Dialogue on Migration 2019: Youth Leadership in 21st Century Migration Governance. The International Dialogue for Migration (IDM) 2019's focus was on ‘youth and migration: engaging youth as key partners in migration governance’. The Dialogue took place on 28 February along with two other events: the General Assembly’s high-level debate on international migration and development on the 27th, and UN DESA’s symposium on international migration and development on the 26th. The IDM addressed topics of understanding youth migration: beyond facts and figures; addressing specific challenges and vulnerabilities of young people: what role, which partners; empowering youth to become actors of change, and mainstreaming youth migration into development policies: recommendations for the way forward.